Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bronze Age Footprints

Bronze Age Footprints
The Vanhalinna hill fort in Lieto is one of the 70 reliably known hill forts in Finland. People have lived on the hill since the Bronze Age (1000-500 B.C.) until the 14th century, in the beginning of which the fortress was destroyed by battles.

In the view which opens from the hill can be seen the Oxen Road of Häme, which acted as a trade route from the south-western coast towards the inlands already in the Viking times.

The hill is for example a good place for a picnic on a warm summer day and on a comfortable cycling distance from Turku.
Start your trip from Vanhalinna manor.

Drive from Turku about 5 km to the direction of Hämeenlinna on the road nr. 10 and follow the arrow sign to "Vanhalinnan museo ja linnavuori".

On the top of the hill are some slippery, moss covered rocks, so take good shoes. There are wooden stairs on the way up. They might be slippery during winter time.

Look into the juniper on the second highest place.

Here we are, looking into the Juniper on the second highest place at Vanhalina! Hanna is a natural at this letterboxing stuff - she spotted the canister dangling from a piece of string tied into the branches! (also she knew which bush was juniper, a useful piece of information!) - Lodju-ing success in Finland!!
And this one had a stamp!!! Here we are signing in, and stamping our Finnish letterbox - so exciting! Peggy got a friend for this adventure - Noora's kitty came along. Later in our visit Noora (my most favorite 8 year old) staged a show in which Peggy and Kitty starred - they got married and then were attacked by an evil baby seal.

Letterboxing adventurers at the top of Vanhalina hill-fort - Hanna (Smarty Smurf), Sara (Agent S.) and Coco the Frog (Noora)

The entrance to Vanhalina and inspiration for the stamp carving. Peggy and Agent S.
Peggy and the view from the hill top - scenery in this part of Finland is so many trees and lots of farm land.
Agent S. and Peggy at the top of Vanhalinna on a most excellent and successful Finnish letterboxing adventure!!

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